Saturday, November 4, 2017

Servers II: Language Servers

A pretty simple change that's mostly for Europe, but might be useful for Asia as well (I am not familiar with the problems over there, but I would be very surprised if there were only Chinese and Korean players).

As things are now, only the localized versions of the game get their own servers (and the appropriate support). However, in areas (especially in Europe) with multitudes of different language groups without their own language version of the game, the following tends to happen:

·         People are forced to play on the next best server options despite them not having a decent command of the language (as it happens with English-speaking realms in Europe).
·         People of a single language group take the most obvious solution: they stake their claims into a single server or two, which tends to draw in more of their compatriots, which in turn alienates the players who speak another language etc. - practically creating single language-realms not labeled as such.

The most obvious (and often-demanded solution) would be that Blizzard simply drops its practice of only allowing servers for localized versions of the game and instead finally embraces what players were doing anyway by making it official: labeling certain servers as language X-server for players (without offering language support); and offering free transfers to those servers or away from them.
This would have the positive effect that players who speak that language would know where they could start; while players who don't wouldn't accidentally pick them.

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